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Our domestic share is 50% thanks to our products’ popularity with many players

Softball was born in the U.S.A. in the late 19th century and was introduced to Japan for the first time in 1921. Following the start of production of softball baseball balls in 1947, we started making softball balls in 1950 in anticipation of an increase in the number of softball players.

In the beginning, we outsourced core manufacturing and used emulsion adhesive for the cork grind binder. However, in 1984, we launched an internal production project. We succeeded in improving the core to a stronger and undeformable core when we changed from outsourcing to internal production.

Our domestic share is about 50%. We offer approved balls (No. 1 to No. 3), training balls and soft-type balls.

List of products: Softball

ナイガイソフトボール 検定3号  
Naigai Softball        Approved ball No. 3

Size:        30.48 ± 0.32 cm circumference

Weight: 190 ± 5 g

Color: White, yellow

Suggested retail price: 11,340 yen (before-tax price: 10,800 yen) per dozen

*Yellow ball is recommended by the Japan Softball Association

(a public interest incorporated foundation).

ナイガイソフトボール 検定2号  
Naigai Softball        Approved ball No. 2

Size:        28.58 ± 0.32 cm circumference

Weight: 163 ± 5 g

Color: White, yellow

Suggested retail price: 10,458 yen (before-tax price: 9,960 yen) per dozen

*Yellow ball is recommended by the Japan Softball Association

(a public interest incorporated foundation).

ナイガイソフトボール 検定1号  
Naigai Softball        Approved ball No. 1

Size:        26.7 ± 0.32 cm circumference

Weight: 141 ± 5 g

Color: White, yellow

Suggested retail price: 9,576 yen (before-tax price: 9,120 yen) per dozen

*Yellow ball is recommended by the Japan Softball Association

(a public interest incorporated foundation).

Naigai Yellow Softball (Leather) - Approved Ball No. 3

Size:        30.48 ± 0.32 cm circumference

Weight: 187.82 ± 10.63 g

Color: Yellow

Suggested retail price: 13,860 yen (before-tax price: 13,200 yen) per dozen
Naigai Yellow Softball (Leather) - Training Ball No. 3

Size:        30.48 ± 0.32 cm circumference

Weight: 187.82 ± 10.63 g

Color: Yellow

Suggested retail price: 9,450 yen (before-tax price: 9,000 yen) per dozen
ナイガイソフトボール トレーニング用  
Naigai Softball        For training

Size:        30.48 ± 0.32 cm circumference

Weight: 300 ± 10 g

Color: Orange

Suggested retail price: 1,207 yen (before-tax price: 1,150 yen) per ball
ソフトトボールやわらかタイプ 2号/3号  
Softball - Soft type No. 2/No. 3

Size:        28.5 ± 1 cm circumference/30.5 ± 1 cm circumference

Weight: 150 ± 10 g/175 ± 10 g

Color: Yellow

Suggested retail price

577 yen (before-tax price: 550 yen) per ball/630 yen (before-tax price: 600 yen) per ball
Naigai Softball        For physical education

Size:        30.48 ± 0.27 cm circumference

Weight: 163 ± 3 g

Color: Yellow

Suggested retail price: 840 yen (before-tax price: 800 yen) per ball