Head office factory |
Postcode 674-0084 |
2050, Uozumi-cho Nishioka, Akashi-shi |
TEL(078)944-0650 |
FAX(078)942-0284 |
Sales department (Kobe) |
Postcode 650-0023 |
The seventh floor of the Shinwa building |
4-1-10, Sakaemachi-dori, Chuo-ku, Kobe-shi |
TEL(078)360-1361 |
FAX(078)360-1371 |
Sales department (Fukuoka) |
Postcode 812-0016 |
The first floor of the chateau IZUMI |
Hakataeki-minami, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka-shi |
TEL(092)472-3885 |
FAX(092)472-3862 |
Sales department (Tokyo) |
Postcode 105-0004 |
The fourth floor of the Shinbashi Shinwa building |
4-5-15, Shinbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo |
TEL(03)3459-6868 |
FAX(03)3459-6869 |
* Please give me the inquiry about a sensor to Tokyo. |
Sales department (Nagoya) |
Postcode 460-0002 |
1-8-24, Marunouchi, Naka-ku, Nagoya-shi |
TEL(052)684-4250 |
FAX(052)684-4254 |
https://www.naigai-rubber-phi.com/NAIGAI GOMU PHILIPPINES CORPORATION |
Lot4-B First Philipins IndustrialPark-SEPZ Brgy. Anastacia, Sto.Tomas Batangas Philippine |
https://www.naigai-rubber-phi.com/ |
TEL(043)405-5378 |
FAX(043)405-5075 |